Staying Ahead Of The Game…
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. You know, but again, you know, that's another quality of successful guys. I'm sure you are too, Rob, is you know that we're all fiercely competitive, right? So it's kind of one of the marks of being, you know, and alpha and being successful in business, you know, all the guys, I know who are successful in business are incredibly competitive human beings.
An Ideal Herbal Vaporizer
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Ultimately I think you know, the beautiful thing that the beauty is when somebody can develop a small enough device that's a true vaporizer, a true digital vaporizer where you don't have to buy the liquids and you can just use plant, real green herb or real tobacco and that's when something nice is going to happen. I've seen devices that are the size of like a small cigarette pack that does that but, I'm yet to see what we were in the end phases of building, which is something that's the size of like an actual cigarette where you could put a small amount of plant matter and that's another great advantage of vaporization over smoking. When you smoke you burn it and you're done with vaporization that same tiny amount of plant matter can last you weeks and weeks and weeks so it's much more efficient on your materials as well it feels cleaner.
Exploring The Real Secrets of Wealthy People
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. You talk to wealthy people. They're going to tell you they're lucky. They're going to tell you, hey man, I just got lucky and I'm passionate about this thing. They don't want to tell you that you know what, I'm smarter than you. There are people smarter than you and not only that, I'm more ruthless than you, I'm more aggressive than you. I know how to manipulate people more. I know how to exert influence in the right ways. These are things that people will not tell you. These are things that people will not share with you. You have to be more aggressive. You have to be relentless. You have to have enemies. You have to go out there and fail. You have to be able to take risks and you can't do that if you're broke.
How To Lose Your Mind To Find Your Soul?
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Every day I'm in mindfulness mode except for the days that I'm in mindlessness mode. As Alan Watts would carefully observe that sometimes we need to lose our minds to find ourselves. So, I'm a big fan of that as I'm a big fan of Alan Watts.
Using Humor As A Secret Weapon To Be Successful In Life
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahiin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Seriousness is a disease. It is not a quality to be admired. Whenever you look at people that are like super tight and they're sphincter as wound up, super tight and they're just very serious about things. There's something else in their life that's imbalanced. You look at the great people in history. I guarantee you they had rip-roaring laughs. You look at Albert Einstein, you look at John Rockefeller, you look at any of these people throughout history. They reach these incredible heights of success and you'll find antidotes of them being funny. Mark Twain is a great example of it. Oscar Wilde is another example of it. Alan Watts, you look at any of these great people throughout history. They didn't take themselves seriously. It's only the that take themselves seriously.
Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance (Copy)
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Positive momentum and negative momentum. When things happen that are crappy, they seem to happen one after another. It affects your attitude, your mindset, everything. And when good things happen, the key is always to keep your foot on the gas and get back to basics. Always grind. Put people in your corner who support encourage you. And what you did, which I love is you were taking every situation in life, you even when you had the chip going back to what you said at the beginning of this interview, when you had the chip on your shoulder, you didn't say, what was it you said, you know what? I'm going to take what I don't have. And I'm going to make something of that. Everything you did was in your favor. Using it in your favor to drive you to do the things that would drive your success and I think that's a phenomenal lesson that everything is good and bad.
99% Genuine Effort, 1% Ingenuine Creativity For Success
And I am a huge fan of the law. I love law um and all things related to it and when I had started my first company and we can go into the story. You know, I created a billion dollars worth of revenue in my teens, creating this legal version of an illegal drug. And I remember there was a time when lawsuits were just flying and I didn't realize I thought you would have to wrong somebody to get a lawsuit. I was wrong because there were all these vulture lawyers. And this was at a time when the employment practices laws were coming into place. So there were all these people who I never met, who I had never had any transacting with, who were suing me. And I remember. And this kind of goes into my whole philosophy about hacking life.
A Gambler’s Guide To Mega Business Success
Great question! I think one of the best ones is trust but verify. I had another teacher of mine. This writer named Stuart Wilde, who became a mentor of mine for some time always said don't play your hunch. It'll have your lunch. I'm not sure if that was his quote but it made sense. He taught us a lot of the fundamental principles of money through playing blackjack. Believe it or not, he felt that life and business were very much like a casino and if you could learn how to master that type of interaction you'd be able to handle business. So we did a lot of work inside casinos where we went to casinos and learned how to gamble and play blackjack and I have a friend, who's still an instructor under he was understeer wild he learned how to play blackjack and poker and all those games.
What’s Your Belief Structure And Reality Distortion Field?
Resilience. People are going to try to knock you down. People will put you down but it's how many times you get up when that failure happens and also there is an element to it of not giving an about what people think of you. You cannot care what other people think. Other people's opinions only matter if they coincide with your belief structure and your reality distortion field.
No Room For Safety Or Comfort. Get Going Relentlessly
You can't cultivate that in a very safe comfy thing. If somebody calls you something and your word for yourself is something different and all of a sudden you melt because you thought you were special like a snowflake. The world doesn't work that way. You can create bubbles that work that way but it's not going to make you stronger. It's not going to make you more resilient and we're not going to change the world, change the planet, impact people around us, create great stuff and great stories by falling into that narrative. What you do is you pick yourself up you say good shot let's go again or you pick yourself up and you say is that all you have? Really?
Do What It Takes To Learn Your Business Art
We talk about in my book Billion, how I became king of the throw pill cult - a three-step plan, which feeds in nicely to this and it's something a friend of mine Wayne Boss taught us, which is knowledge, courage, and action. When you are faced with a problem, a challenge, a project that needs to be undertaken, you need to know. Knowledge can be bought, knowledge can be borrowed, knowledge can be stolen, knowledge can be rented. Okay, in my case, I went out there, I rented it, I talked to people. I didn't have money, but I convinced them to give me that knowledge.
Roll Up Your Sleeves And Get On With The Job
The problem is a lot of the stuff has become highly marketed by a lot of the self-help gurus that are out now. So they want you to think that having a passion drive and mindset is what you need. No, that's not what you need. You need to do the work, you need to roll up your sleeves, and do the work. That's what you do. That's what works, what works is doing the work getting out there. And you know, if you're a real estate agent, knocking on doors, and you know, meeting people in your neighborhood, and building your network, and calling the banks and doing whatever those things are that agents and brokers do, but it's just doing the work. There's nothing more effective than doing that.
Money Talks And Wealth Whispers
A friend of mine used to say wealth is better made quietly and I learned that the second and third time around, believe me, I learned that after making hundreds of millions of dollars and losing hundreds of millions of dollars and having to reinvent myself several times over. I learned that it's better that way. And, you know, the people that have the real wealth, you might not ever even hear about them. They're not out there, you know, shining the shiny things or chasing the shiny things because they're too busy making money.
Build Your Brand Worth An Exit (If Needed)
So the people who are seeking to start a business to sell it, generally don't succeed. The people who never think about selling a business will have a rude awakening when it comes time to sell their business and what they can get for it. With that said, you want to be somewhere in the middle.
Self Realization Of Strengths And Weaknesses = Right Energy
But rather that they've known themselves they understand themselves that they understand their strengths and they understand their weaknesses and they've come to a place of reconciliation with who they are no. They know that purity rubs off on a person. Yeah, people like if you meet somebody like that you just can't help but want to help.
Driving Your Core Mission Over Pomp Showbiz Marketing
I don’t have one of these big courses and I’m not one of these dudes that’s like check out my lambo check out like the babes in my yacht and like my mega mansions and like all that right. We I do this for a living. We make millions of dollars a year selling on amazon. It’s well documented. I’m many times over a millionaire. I no longer need the money but I do it because I like empowering people.
Following Your Passion Or Parents’ Dreams?
We just have a different mindset than say someone's growing up here in a more comfortable life. It's like we our parents came here to make a better life for their kids not for themselves. They knew that hopefully being in America would present more opportunities and for your parents it was hey go be a doctor, go be the Jewish person out there with the nine to five working all day.